A Megger insulation tester is functional when you have to carry out electrical work on your home or workplace and want to make sure that you didn't damage insulation or make a wiring error. A damaged or failed insulation can cause a circuit breaker to fall or fuse to blow, resulting in a severe electrical shock to persons coming in contact with poorly insulated wire or a metal part touching it. Using a Megger Tester to test insulation resistance helps in reducing such dangers.
Process to use Megger Insulation Tester: -
- Step 1: Switch the power off to
the circuits you want to test. Switch off the main breaker if you need
help determining which breakers or fuses control the circuits. Place a
note on the breaker panel guiding others not to switch on the power at the
time you are working on the circuits. Lock the switch if possible.
- Step 2: Record the insulation
values in a tabular form with the test results. For a 110-volt circuit,
leave some area for the test results of the insulation connecting the
black and white wire and the insulation connecting the wire and ground.
For a 220-volt circuit, also leave an area for the insulation test results
that connects the three wires and the other two between the three wires
and the ground.
- Step 3: depending on the model you
are using, one can select 500 volts DC or 1000 volts DC for testing
voltage on your Megger. Check if your model has a voltage tester for live
circuits. Suppose it doesn't; check with a voltage tester for the circuits
to be tested to ensure they are not live. Set positive and negative points
on the two conductors. Energize the Megger for a few minutes, read the
resistance's value, and note it in your table. Keep continuing this
testing procedure until you get values for all the spaces of your table.
- Step 4: Now check the resistance
values entered in your table. All values should be above 25 megohms
according to the National Electrical Code. Check your connections and
repeat the tests if one of the values differs substantially from all the
others. If the value is below 25 megohms, check the circuit for a reason
for its poor insulation resistance value.
If you are
looking for increased power, prevention, convenience, safety, and insulation
tester, Megger Insulation Tester can be your best choice. Omni Controls
provides you with Megger Insulation equipment from the website directly. Call
us today. Phone: 813.971.5001 Email: sales@omnicontrols.com.
Contact us:
OMNI CONTROLS INC.: https://www.omnicontrols.com/
Commerce Park Professional Center 5309 Technology Dr. Tampa, FL 33647
P: 813.971.5001
Email: sales@omnicontrols.com
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