A Megger meter is an instrument that is used to measure high electrical and insulation resistance. It is also known as a megohmmeter. The generally known ohmmeter helps measure low resistance values, whereas a megohmmeter (by passing high voltage into it) measures quite an increased range of several megaohms.
What is the use of a digital Megger Insulation Tester?
It is used in measuring an electrical wire's insulation resistance. It is used in evaluating electrical components and systems. Megger is also used to install winding. These are widely used to test relays, ground connections, batteries, and other tests.
How to Use a Megger
Insulation Tester?
• Switch off power to the circuits you are about to test.
• Make a table to write the insulation values derived from the tests.
• As the test voltage on your Megger, select 500 volts DC or 1000 volts DC, depending on the model you are about to use.
Some advantages of a
megger insulation meter are:
• Its operation is effortless
• It uses a tiny DC Generator, Permanent Magnet type
• It doesn't need an external source of power like a battery or some wire to plug in
• The cost of a megger is also very cheap.
• A megger tester can identify physical damages, which may avoid electrical shock due to leakages.
Some of the
disadvantages of Megger are like:
• The time needed for measurement is high
• The accuracy of this device is not very high
If you want insulation meters with increased power, prevention, convenience, safety, and insulation tester, Megger Insulation Tester can be your finest choice. Omni Controls provides you with the best Megger Insulation equipment, and you can purchase it directly from the website. Call us today. Phone: 813.971.5001 Email: sales@omnicontrols.com.
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